Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Had my six week check up...

...how many women hate going to the OB? There is always a wait time, it is uncomfortable and annoying..and many more unpleasant words...

...today was my six week check up since having Coltan. The appointment was at 9:40am, I wasn't given a room until 11:15 am, was weighed and then I sat in a room waiting until 11:35 am to see the OB for 8 minutes. Good times...

...well that is my vent about the office. Before I left my house though, I stated to my husband that I would be making an appointment to "finalize" that our fourth child was our last child. He says to me, "Are you sure about that?"

...am I sure about that? Let's see, we have been married for 9 years and have four boys. Obviously, he is not able to produce girls (yes I blame him and scientifically I can!) and we only have a four bedroom house and six person vehicle. So, unless he plans on getting a bigger house, which would require us selling the current one (not in this market!!!), getting a new vehicle which would also require getting rid of a current one (I hate car shopping) and can GUARANTEE that we would have girl...this is not happening.

...and it is not like the thought has not crossed my mind. When I graduated from high school 15 years ago (YIKES) I stated in the yearbook that I wanted 5 kids. (I also stated that this would happen before I was 30!) Keep in mind, it was 1994, I was 18 years old and it was pretty easy to make those statements when being a parent was such a foreign concept at the time.

...For the most part, having all boys has made having four kids a bit simpler. The clothes last a long time because they are handed down from kid to kid and they can share a room with no problems. The toys stay the same (cars, balls and legos) and they all like to rough house together. If we had a girl in the mix, I may have a different opinion about having four.

...Also, being pregnant is pretty easy for me. With the exception of the annoyingingly high blood pressure and the gestational diabetes, I have to admit, I like being pregnant. I don't get morning sickness, no weird cravings and the clothes are kind of cute. You get to look good while being curvy. But for financial reasons, plus the fact that I am already 33 years old, I will be doing a permanent procedure so I do not have to think about the possibility of making my yearbook predicition come true.

...and now reality sets in. No more babies. This is it. This will be the smallest one your boys will ever be. They only get bigger from here. Kind of sad, don't you think? I looked at about 10-12 pregnant women in the office today and was jealous of every one of them. Crazy huh?

...After you have the baby, everything just kind of hangs there. I kept comparing myself to these women in the waiting room. All of them looked so cute. Then there was me. I'm wearing a Nike workout shirt and matching shorts because nothing normal fits. I have rolls in so many places that I lose count and my glow is gone. My official weight according to my dr's scale: 179lbs.... YUCK!

...so here we are, July 28th, 2009 @ 179lbs. One of the main reasons to write about this is so I can actually stick to the goal. I have no excuses. Yes, I have four kids. Yes, I have a full-time job. Yes, I am tired. None of these excuses are reasons not to lose the weight. Do I really want to look like I just had Coltan for the next 10 years? No.

..so hold me to it. Here we go. What will I do? How will I start? Eating better, exercising...YES! YES!

...My goal: 140lbs by Thanksgiving. Completely attainable. Basically 10 lbs a month or 2.5 lbs a week. Anyone joining me?


  1. Although I should lose 40# by Thanksgiving, I will not be joining you. Samantha, your goal may be a bit aggressive. And, from experience, I can tell you that if you miss that goal, you may suffer serious let down - aka depression. (my secret to losing 35# in 12 weeks was nurse-pump-nurse-etc.) Bag it, freeze it, pump some more. While you nurse, drink a beer (it increases production and mellows you out a little)

  2. 2.5 lbs a week is pretty dang aggressive. Leah's got some good advice. Good luck. I'll join you on the WL journey, but I'm not posting any starting or goal numbers. :-P

  3. Here is my Spark Page! It is a great way to track everything for FREE!!!

