Sunday, August 17, 2014

My 21 Day Fix Journey - DAY 0

I have been needing something to kick me in the butt and get me motivated. My weight has skyrocketed to more than my highest pregnancy weight. I have had many changes over the past two years, exams, promotions, moving, etc. All "good" excuses for not staying on a plan. But, is it really an excuse?

Everyone hears of all of these diets, exercises, etc. But what really works?

After 38 years on this planet and 20 years spent on and off "dieting", the one thing I have learned is that hard work and support are the two things you need to stay motivated.

Find a group, a person, a blog...anything where you can be you and be able to post about your feelings, ask for help, post your accomplishments, your downfalls, etc and feel safe doing so.

Pick any type of getting healthy forum you prefer but just pick one and stick with it. This is all about lifestyle change. I have done Weight Watchers (three times now), different types of apps, ordered DVDs, had a personal trainer etc. This time, I have joined a Beachbody team and am participating in a 21 day challenge as well as order the 21 day fix which includes a daily meal replacement called Shakeology.

It tastes good and it does keep you satisfied. I normally do not find that in a shake. Anyone who knows me, especially my husband, knows I am skeptical of everything. He was surprised that I got on board with this program and is fully supportive.

This is not for everyone. It requires a big commitment. You need to really want to change your life. It is not a magic pill. Drinking this shake will not make you lose weight. You need to want it! Exercise, eat right! If you don't, you will fail.

I am a full time working mom of 4 boys. It takes us 45 minutes to get to school in the morning and I am usually not home until 8 or 9 pm. This is a great online support system that I needed. So, when I think of all the money I have spent on meetings, weight loss shakes, pills, programs etc. the price for this honestly is not so bad.

Seeing these pictures below puts many things in to perspective. I know I haven't been happy. I know my doctor says I need to lose weight but nothing was enough to push me over the edge. What finally did? My friend asking if I wanted to join a challenge group with her. Sure, why not?

I didn't expect what I got in the group! Motivational stories, quotes, nutritional tips, exercise tips and most of all support. I found my safe place. And motivation to get my butt in gear.

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